Uncategorized What Are Shipping Container Homes? For several years now, tiny homes have been popping up on Pinterest and across social media as unique and inviting living spaces. However, most recently, the tiny home trend has evolved into an even more eco-friendly option – shipping container homes. Shipping container homes are residential dwellings that are created out of empty shipping containers […]
Real Estate Investment Basics You may hear someone say that you should get into real estate, but truthfully, it isn’t for everyone. While real estate investing can be a lucrative opportunity, if you don’t know what you’re facing, things can quickly get out of hand. Why Real Estate Investing? Ultimately, the goal is to invest in something that will […]
Uncategorized Design a Bedroom With These 6 Simple Tips Bedrooms offer a great opportunity to create cozy and relaxing sleep environments while incorporating different style elements. The bedrooms in your home don’t need to have the same style overall, so feel free to use different designs in each one. Whether you want an airy, mostly white bedroom or a bedroom with some dramatic flair, […]
Pros & Cons of Financing with a Mortgage Lender When financing a home purchase, one of the most basic decisions to make is where to get your mortgage from. The basic options are whether you should go to a mortgage lender or not. Financing with a mortgage lender has both pros and cons. Pro: Many Loan Options If you go to a mortgage lender, […]
Uncategorized Create Lasting Memories of Your Travels With These DIY Decor Ideas Map Magnets Map magnets are a subtle yet powerful way to showcase the places that you have visited throughout your lifetime. You can take the backings off of small frames, and attach a magnet so that they hang on the fridge. Instead of putting a picture inside the frame, cut out pieces of maps that […]
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